Importance Of Social-Emotional Learning At School – PODAR ORT
Importance Of Social-Emotional Learning At School – PODAR ORT

Focusing on social, emotional, and mental well-being of children has been long overdue, as it is crucial to build their own identity and reach their full potential. In today’s ever-diversifying world, the classroom is the first place where children are exposed to people from a range of backgrounds with differing ideas and unique abilities. Social- emotional learning (SEL) aims to help students understand their thoughts and emotions better, become more self-aware, and nurture emotional intelligence among others in their community and the world around them. This enables students to be open minded towards differences and put everyone on an equal footing. Most IB Schools in Mumbai support Social- Emotional Learning to enhance holistic development of their students as they can become more productive and reflective outside the classroom when these attributes are developed from the early years of learning at school.
What Is Social- Emotional Learning In Education?
Social Emotional Learning (SEL) helps students of all ages understand their emotions at a deeper level. It also encourages students to show empathy for others and teaches them methods to cope with emotional distress. SEL tools and techniques are used to assist students in making positive, responsible decisions, establishing frameworks for achieving their objectives, and forming positive relationships with others.
Here’s how social emotional learning can benefit students in numerous ways:
Improve Academic Performance
SEL helps relax a student’s mind by lowering his/her burden of achieving academic goals. It has been established that students who participate in SEL programmes improve their academic achievement. The ‘soft skills’ that children learn through SEL have been found to improve students’ attitudes toward school. It will be easier for a child to focus at school if he or she understands that his or her feelings will be heard and acknowledged.
Less Emotional Distress
Measures like the ‘Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale’ show that SEL pupils experience fewer episodes of stress, anxiety, tension, and social withdrawal. According to research, SEL programmes increase students’ inhibitory control, planning, and ability to move attention from one task to another through improved central executive cognitive functions. Students gain greater self-regulation abilities as they practice new coping mechanisms to deal with stress through their SEL programmes.
Reduced Behavioural Problems
In school, students who participate in SEL are less aggressive. These advantages are long-term, according to studies, since SEL students have 10% less psychiatric, behavioural, or substance abuse problems when they reach the age of 25. For example, if a student can learn to find his or her voice and express anger effectively, he or she may be able to avoid behaving inappropriately in different challenging situations that may arise in relationships.
Positive Social Behaviour
SEL emphasizes on social interaction skills and self-awareness, which are necessary for children to create and maintain strong, productive connections with peers, parents, and teachers. Close student-teacher relationships motivate children to do well in school and have long-term positive consequences when teachers encourage students to take on challenges outside of the classroom, such as applying to college or seeking a full-time job.
Social-emotional learning teaches children the most important skills and talents they will require throughout their educational journey, careers, and beyond. Greater social and emotional competence can improve the likelihood of high school completion, post-secondary proficiency, professional success, pleasant family and work relationships, improved mental health, reduced criminal activity, and active citizenship in the long run.
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